There are also many science databases available on the Summerville campus. You can access these databases in GALILEO at - if you are off campus, you will be prompted for a user name and password, which is the same as what you use for D2L, Pounce, etc.
If you click on "browse by subject" which is below the search box, you can choose "science and technology" then "biology." You will then get a list of databases, including "General Science Full Text." Click on the database name and then you can search with keywords. Enclose phrases in double quotes, such as "seed germination"
The search box at the top of the GALILEO home page is the DISCOVER tool, which searches multiple databases. You will get many results if you use the DISCOVER tool, but you can decrease your results with the options on the left of the results page, such as limiting to peer reviewed articles or by date. Most databases provide ways to narrow your results.
If you need more assistance with search strategies, come to Reese Library and ask for help at the information desk or set up a research consultation using the form at: